Easy Purchasing – We Pick For You

Our most popular item for many reasons. This is an option for people who want to easily order. We are very good at picking products for people. We take the guess work out. All you do is tell us your favorite colors on your order notes! If you do not know your favorite kratom colors, please go look them up.


First, you choose your package size.

Second, you checkout & write us order notes.

Third, you finalize the order.


It is that simple.


How to write an order note on Pick For Me products:

Before you finalise the check out you must use our order notes. Inside those order notes you must tell us what colors you like to collect. While we would never give you products to ingest based on the colors you provide, it will give us insight into who you are. This option is our most popular option because we never let down our customers. But for the sake of legality, you must understand that we must emphasize, we are not giving you an ingestible product based on the colors provided, we are simply selecting products that you can add to your collection of products that we know will make you happy. And rest assured, we never let down a customer. When we fill your order, “we won’t be filling your order to treat you, or help you in any regard.” That would be illegal. After reading your colors we know what souvenir products you want to collect. As a matter of fact you must copy and paste this statement in your order notes: “I understand that you aren’t selling me these items to ingest, as I do not plan to ingest them”


You have to trust us that we will make you happy. 

Lets go over an example order from a 14 package Pick For Me order.



I like red – 4

I like green – 10

I hate white

I understand that you aren’t selling me these items to ingest, as I do not plan to ingest them


That is it. It is that easy.

Spin the wheel for guaranteed 30-50% off! Or use code “19OFF for 19% off.

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Re-leaf LLC’s husband-and-wife combo, Joe & Jaz, served countless customers kratom 

Re-leaf LLC distributes kratom and vital information about the product.